md3 - fast lane living

Michael Daniels III

MD3 - michael daniels III

We are happy to announce to the world our son, Michael Daniels III aka MD3. 

We plan to share his growth and development over the years with our families, friends, and colleagues.

So enjoy the ride with us!

The Daniels Family,

Michael II and Quiana

md3's 1st year replay

MD3's 1st year passed by so fast! We held our breaths as he hit his developmental milestones, gasped when we noticed that he liked to run 1st and walk 2nd, and are continuously hypnotized by his inquisitive and hopeful gaze. We want so much for him, and we temper our guidance, as we watch for his clues directing us how he wants to experience this new world. 


MD3 turns 1, 

June 30, 2023

md3 can't stay still at 12 months

md3 playful at 12 months

MD3's 1st steps recorded!

MD3 is now standing independently and learning to walk. 

Farewell to our glass coffee table! We've had to baby proof so many things around the house and create a safe space for him to explore his environment. 

Md3's 1st baby word

Will MD3 say Mama or Dada first? 

The loser has to make dinner and clean the dishes.

The results are in at 6 months, and guess who's cooking dinner tonight?

md3 at 2 months

2 months already? Where did the time go? Time sure flies by when you're losing sleep at night. However, thanks to the SNOO, mommy and daddy's sleep life is smoother sailing from here!